A film for world-renowned figurative artist Mark Dempsteader

Behind the Canvas: A Film on Mark Demsteader

As a commercial brand photographer, I’m always exploring new ways to capture stories beyond still images. Recently, I had the honour of creating a film for Mark Demsteader,world-renowned figurative artist, showcasing his creative process in a way that has rarely been seen before. This film offers a rare glimpse into Mark’s studio, revealing his techniques and the textures of his work.

Check out his beautiful and emotional work HERE

Capturing Mark Demsteader’s Artistic Process

Mark Demsteader is known for his evocative, emotional portraits that blend realism with abstraction. His pieces have captivated art lovers worldwide, and his unique approach to figure drawing and painting is a masterclass in both skill and vision. He first came to prominence when he painted Emma Watson .It was a real honor creating a film that delves into his creative world offering viewers a behind-the-scenes glimpse at how he works.

The Power of Modern Mirrorless Cameras: Nikon Z6II

The ability to create this film wouldn’t have been possible without advances in photography and filmmaking technology. Modern mirrorless cameras, such as my Nikon Z6II, have revolutionised how photographers approach film. With the capability to shoot high-quality 4K video, mirrorless cameras allow us to expand our skill sets, combining still photography and filmmaking to tell more dynamic and complete stories for our clients.

Stills and film photography used to quite different disciplines, these days the lines are blurred. This really came about when modern stills cameras developed the capability of producing broadcast quality film, this was a game changer.

This technology bridges the gap between photography and videography, enabling commercial photographers to widen their offerings and embrace the demand for visual content that spans both mediums.

A New Era for Commercial Brand Photography

This project with Mark Demsteader represents a shift in the world of commercial brand photography. No longer are we confined to still images; we now have the tools to create compelling films that provide deeper insight into our clients’ stories, products, and creative processes. As photographers, it’s essential that we adapt and evolve, offering a more diverse range of content to meet the needs of modern brands and artists.

Whether you’re working with a global artist like Mark Demsteader or a local business, the ability to integrate high-quality film into your services will set you apart. With cameras like the Nikon Z6II, the possibilities are endless. Now integrate this with AI and the possibilities seem endless.

How to develop a photographic style and how this relates to film photography.

When I was learning photography we were told that it is very important to develop your own style. This took me many years, but when you realise what your style is, things become easier because you shoot toward this style without thinking about it. My style has come from many photographers from back in the early days of film such as Jeanloup Sieff right through to many things you see on Instagram etc. Just as important to me is art, film, books and architecture on my photographic style. One of the great things about a Hitchcock film is the way it is lit, I noticed this very early on. Every film I ever watch I pay attention to the lighting and the craft of filmmaking . Just like in photography the influences colour the way I shoot film.

Call to Action: Elevate Your Brand with Film

The time is now for photographers to expand beyond the still frame. If you’re a  brand seeking to tell a richer, more engaging story, consider the power of film to run alongside stills photography.

 Whether it’s capturing the creative process of a world-renowned artist or showcasing your brand in a new light, I’m here to help bring your vision to life. Contact me today to discuss how we can create stunning films that leave a lasting impact on your audience.

This post highlights the transition of photographers into filmmakers, driven by advancements in technology. By embracing this evolution and AI, I can offer a more complete service to their clients, capturing both still and moving images to create a deeper narrative.